Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I know that by watching me over the last year you would never know that I love God, or maybe even know him. I am ashamed of that. He has done so much for me...so much that I don't deserve. None of us deserve what he does for us, but lately especially me. I have let myself go down all of the wrong paths and make decisions that I knew better than to make. God is dealing with me. I asked for it, I won't lie. But I find it so hard to listen. It's amazing to me how He can take things and help you to learn and grow from them. It's amazing to me how he can break you. I want to be who God wants me to be, I want to make Him proud. I am sorry to all of the people that I have let down and I thank all of the people who have helped me want to live my life right. You may not even know who you are, but just realize that even when you don't realize it people are watching you. You are always a witness...everyday. I want you to know that I am still going to make mistakes, I know that. Please be understanding and just help hold me accountable...I may not like it, but I need it.

Love ya'll


  1. Just wanted you to know that I am proud of you! I know from expereince that when God finally just breaks us, it isn't easy. Sometimes I find though that when God is "waking me up" to all the junk in my life, I feel closest to Him- like everything else is just stripped away from me, and the only thing I have to cling to is God! The good news is that He is going to bless you like crazy for your obedience and desire to follow Him. I will definitely be praying for you! And if you ever need to talk or just need some encouragement, call me...ANYTIME!
