Thursday, January 1, 2015

A Year in Review


I've laughed. I've cried. I've stumbled, fallen, and risen against the odds. There have been friendships lost, wounded, strengthened, and formed. Life has been taken and also created. I've witnessed my family separate, relationships crumble, and watched many of the people I love experience heartache that they do not deserve. There have been marriages, engagements, and divorces. I've learned that with faith and effort anything is possible, and if you are willing to see it...something positive always comes out of the difficult times we go through. I've realized that nothing in this world is more important than God, true friends, and family. People will often disappoint you if you expect too much from them. No one can make you happy other than yourself. Point being: there have been many ups and downs, positives and negatives, mistakes made, lessons learned, etc.

I think the one thing that sticks out the most for me from 2014 is the power of prayer. I have always had a love for God and strived to be who He wants me to become. However, I have always struggled in this area. I still do, and I'm sure that I still will. This year, though, I have found myself praying much more frequently. I've prayed for God to heal my broken heart and to mend all of the scars that have been developed over the last 29 years. I have prayed for guidance and direction. I've prayed for forgiveness for myself and for God to help me to forgive others that have hurt me in some way. I've prayed to thank Him for continuing to bless and provide for me, even when I don't always deserve it. I think the prayer I have prayed the most this year is for His will to be done in my life, and for Him to show me- no questions asked or unsureness about it- what path to take so that I am certain I'm following HIS plan for my life and not my own. That is both the scariest and best thing I have ever done. We are humans. We are Americans. We live in the 21st century. We like to be in control. That is not a prayer to take lightly, and if you don't truly mean will not see the blessings of it in full effect.

 I honestly believe that because of this prayer, I am where I am supposed to be. I am happier than I have been in a very long time. I am more conscious of my flaws and mistakes, and use them to help me improve my relationships and character. I hope that if you are reading this, you don't take it as me bragging or thinking that I am better than you in any way. I'm only sharing this because, if you know me, you have probably seen a pretty big change in me over the last year. (Hopefully, in a good way.) This year hasn't been the easiest, but I really have been blessed and I wouldn't change a minute of it. I am so thankful for all of the things I have been through, lessons I have learned, and people that have been a part of it.

Here is to a new year filled with many more blessings to all of us! I love you all and don't forget to laugh today! :)

<3 heather="" p="">