Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Well, here I am...deep in thought. Really I should be asleep or at least grading papers! Tomorrow I will be 29😳. I'm proud of myself for all I have made it through, how far I have come, how much I have grown as an individual, and everything I have learned. Sometimes I get discouraged and sometimes wonder when things will quit being so hard. But all in all, if I really stop to think about things...I have been blessed beyond what I deserve. I may not have everything I want and I may struggle in order to have the things I need, but God NEVER has made me go without. He has always provided.

It's funny how you can get so upset about things in your life and God can send you a little reminder that things could be worse. Or just simply make you stop and think...put things in perspective.

Yesterday was a typical Monday for me. I was pretty much mad at the world. I went to Walgreens to pick up a prescription in the drive thru. There, in the street, stood a blind man. Glasses, stick, and all. He was trying to find his way somewhere, but I didn't know what to do. He would walk to the curb, turn, walk the other way, feel all over cars (in line at the window), then keep on until he ran into the building. The process continued. I didn't want to embarrass him, but I wanted to help. Finally, I heard him talking so I rolled down my window and asked if I could help. He was looking for the sidewalk so he could cross the street and get to the bus stop. I tried my best to explain. I watched him continue to struggle as I waited my turn at the window. I thought about how he must feel. How frustrated and lost he probably was. (Which is ironic because I was feeling that way about other things) I wondered if my directions were okay. I imagined what it must be like to be in his shoes. After I got my prescription I pulled over and helped the man again with directions and tried to explain a little better. I watched as he made his way.

Not only did that remind me that my life could be worse. It also reminded me of how important  communication is and how important it is to think of things from other people's perspective too. I could have easily turned that man in the wrong direction with one wrong word. (At one point, I think I did) It also made me think about what my life would be like without all of the support and direction I get from God, friends, and family. I would be walking through life blind, not knowing which direction to turn in order to reach my destination. Thank you. All of you. Love u lots!

Don't forget to laugh today,